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Insights / February 23, 2015

Hubot Team ++

By Casey Helbling

You know we have a robot, right? His name is Hubot, and he’s essential to our productivity and happiness.

Hubot has many amazing talents, but one of our favorites is his ability to give or take karma from an SfG team member (or an idea, photo, concept, GIF, piece of software, program, day of the week, location…so pretty much anyone or anything in life that brings us joy or strife). Giving karma is our way of acknowledging each other’s contributions to the team.

To command Hubot to give someone karma, you simply type the recipient’s user name followed by ++, like so:


Karma, gifted. It generally flies around here pretty easily, but this week we’re going to be mindful of pausing to give karma when karma is due — whether that’s in the form of robot commands in Slack, an in-person high-five, or a quick email thanking a client or colleague who has been particularly responsive. Those hard-earned, honest moments of recognition go a long way in building up people, teams, and organizations.

Compliments, not complaints. Pleasantries, praises, and positive karma is the name of the game this week at Software for Good.