We had an amazing time at the Minnesota Brewer’s Ball, a fundraiser thrown by the Minnesota chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We were so excited to be part of such a great event for such a great cause.

Also great? The info that came out of the beer rating app we built for the party. Some highlights:
- Total number of ratings: 561
- Total number of 5-star ratings: 98
- Total number of indecipherable rating comments likely written after more than a few beers: 18
- Only beer that got a comment written in emoji: Three Tree American Rye, Badger Hill Brewing
- Beer with the most ratings: Gateway Park Lager, 612 Brew (average 3.91/5.00)
And, most importantly, some of the popular brews with consistently high scores:
- Freewheeler, Sociable Cider (average 4.61)
- Hop-a-Wheelie, Sociable Cider (4.44)
- Rated R, 612 Brew (4.36)
- Lonely Blonde, Fulton Brewery (4.33)
- Amigo Grande, Big Wood Brewery (4.21)
- Blueberry Blonde, Boathouse Brewpub (4.21)
- Furious, Surly (4.21)