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Insights / February 8, 2016

Exercise Your Right!

By Kyle Werstein

With the presidential primary season under way, it’s important to remember that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. This right extends to city council meetings, organizing for social justice, grassroots political campaigns, and yes – Software for Good, too. We’re all here to do great things and one of the ways we can achieve that is by exercising our right to speak up and participate in the office discourse. Just as in politics, complacency at work can lead to less-than-awesome results. So this week: show up and participate! If you see a code review that needs to get done – do it! Unhappy with that layout? Let someone know! Have a great idea for how to improve a project? Ping me on Slack and I’ll do the same! We’re all equal stakeholders in the success of this company, so let’s make it happen!