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Insights / August 10, 2015

Create Empathy

By Kyle Werstein

As a designer, my work is informed by a number of factors: the needs of the user, industry trends, and personal aesthetics. As a human, my actions are informed in similar ways: the moods of others, their needs, and my own. In both, I’m in constant pursuit of empathy. Empathy is a skill. Empathy takes practice. By being empathetic, we empower ourselves to be open to the experiences of others. By creating empathy, we empower others to do the same.

So this week, take it one step further. Don’t just respond with empathy; act with empathy. Own your empathetic self and create a space for others to do the same. At the office. In line at the grocery store. In your sketchbook. In a traffic jam. At home. Everywhere.

By creating empathy first, we make it easier for open and honest communication, collaboration, and thoughtfulness to follow suit. In all areas of our personal and professional lives, empathy should be the priority.