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Insights / June 9, 2014

On Politics and the Internet

By Sara Simon

We had a great time visiting with Congressman Keith Ellison last week! Congressman Ellison represents Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, which covers Minneapolis and a fair chunk of the nearby suburbs. He swung by the Software for Good office to meet the team, deliver the DC scoop, and chat with us about some important issues.


The discussion?

We talked about what the Affordable Care Act means for us as a small business, and a few folks shared their stories about navigating through the new MNsure site. Climate change came up, and we shared some of the sustainability goals and concerns we have here. And, of course, we talked about net neutrality.

As people who all really love the Internet, we had a lot of things to say about net neutrality. Lucky for us, Congressman Ellison was totally receptive and really seemed to appreciate hearing all of our perspectives. He asked plenty of good technical questions and said that he’d be in touch again (!) should he have more.

Heard about net neutrality but not totally sure what it’s all about? We could try to give you a brief rundown, or we could just show you this:

[youtube id=”fpbOEoRrHyU”]

Having the Congressman here in the office was so cool for so many reasons. As a small company with the mission of using technology to make the world a better place, it was an honor to chat with someone who’s in a very real position to bring about big change. Our representatives often feel so distant from us, but they are just that: our representatives. Congressman Ellison’s visit was a pretty cool reminder.