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Insights / April 18, 2016


Theme of the Week: Live

By Kyle Werstein

On Saturday, I found myself overwhelmed with emotion at the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance annual gala. I heard stories from survivors who overcame tremendous odds to beat the terrible disease and watched as family members sobbed openly as we remembered those whose lives were taken far too soon.

Less than 24 hours later, I found myself sobbing in a clearing on my partner’s family’s acreage. My partner was laying on a blanket with her family dog, Blanche, as she took her last breaths. Four hours earlier, we were enjoying a walk together as we received the news that Blanche’s own cancer (she had only been diagnosed on Saturday) had taken a turn for the worst. My partner thought she had at least 3 more years left.

On the way home, I found myself dwelling on the absurdity of loss. Deep in my own head, I refreshed my newsfeed to see that I was tagged in a photo. We were all smiling at the MOCA gala. My mind refocused from loss to life. I remembered a different side to my weekend. On Friday, I felt the rush of adrenaline as I took the stage to a crowd of people excited to hear my music. On Saturday, I spent an amazing evening with my colleagues, laughing and enjoying our time together. On Sunday, I comforted my family in their time of need and still managed to find time to tell jokes on the way home.

So this week’s theme is simple: live. Take a day off and hug your children, partners and animal friends. Treat yourself to lunch. Shut off your computer and go outside. Tell a joke. Ask someone how their day is going. Life is short. Don’t take it for granted.