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Insights / March 22, 2017

Where There’s Muck, There’s Brass

By Ryan Bridge

Where there’s muck, there’s brass.

Maybe you’ve heard this saying, maybe you haven’t. Either way, here’s the gist: there’s money—or something equally valuable—to be made in doing the dirty work. It might not be glamorous or exciting (or even pleasant), but dirty work has its perks—whether or not you can see them at the start.

For example, taking on a task you’re less than enthusiastic about may give you the opportunity to come up with a better, less dirty way of doing that work. It may not be fun, but you’ll walk away with more knowledge, sharper problem solving skills, and better processes.

This week, don’t let the muck deter you. Get in there and get dirty! And when you’re done, remember to reflect on your brass—whether monetary, mental, or some other type of reward.